We would like to welcome you to visit our website. We hope you'll take a little time to get to know us while we are continously improving our online presence and please bookmark us, so you can check our progress periodically. As our special clients you are the first to see what is to come. We appreciate your comments and feedback in our guestbook or email to: office@carlwatts.com


As you make yourself at home and get familiar with navigating our space, please excuse the mess while we add more to our "home" so we can conveniently share ideas with you and be more supportive. You will notice there are some empty spots but we plan to furnish them and to continually add features which will keep you coming back.


We look forward to meeting you and being a part of your life. Take a tour. Stop by often.The door is always open.




Services for Business:

Services for Personal:
  • Business Planning,
  • Management, Marketing,
  • Legal,
  • Accounting,
  • IT Services,
  • Webdesign.
  • Cash Management,
  • Tax Planning,
  • Risk Management,
  • Accumulation Goals,
  • Financial Independence,
  • Estate Planning,
  • Construction Management.

Carl Watts & Associates started in1986 as an accounting and planning firm and in two years grew into a management-consulting firm. When Carl set out to operate his business he found out quickly that although he knew his technical discipline he needed help from the outside in operating a business. As he sought out competent people to help him in all aspects of running a company he not only gained great information, knowledge and wisdom but also began to build a strong network of consultants that soon became his associates.

In the process of fulfilling the needs of developing the business of CWA, Carl began to see that a lot of his clients were having the same issues, and finding competent people to address their needs until they turned to the network (that later became the associates) that Carl built. The associates have various back grounds but the one thing they have in common is they all have been principles or vice-presidents of large companies or business owners themselves, in one of the areas in which CWA offers service.

The company began to grow and succeed and as a result his clients grew with them. Many have become close personal friends and CWA retains business and financial interests in many of his clients organizations. CWA is honored and privileged to be able to share in the success of others. We are proud of our record of retention exhibited by the fact we have kept almost all of the associates that started out with the company. We hold even greater pride in the retention rate with our clients. People and organizations that leave the area, don’t leave us; we now have many clients across the country that joined us when they were living in the DC metropolitan area. If you are new to CWA, we hope you’ll give us the opportunity to show you how we can help you in your personal and business objectives. We look forward to forming a relationship with you that will be a primary asset in your lives.
WA mission is to prove value. We want to be a significant part of your life and help you succeed in whatever you set out to do by being there to meet your needs through personal or business management. We will hold your hand when the need to be comforted and kick you in the butt when necessary. We give all we can on the belief that you can never give and not get it back in return.

We’ll give you small “mom and pop” boutique attention, while offering you big company resource services. We look to increase your income, reduce your taxes and increase your net worth. We use and have some of the best talent in the industry while being very effective and efficient to make the most out of technology to deliver the industries best service.
When knowledge meets maturity you have Experience.
When quality meets consistency, you have Excellence.